Veterinary Formula Pet Calm Supplement for Dogs
Keeping our pets calm and relaxed can be a challenge. Stressors like traveling, hospitalization, moving, thunderstorms, fireworks, separation, and tension caused by changes in your pet's daily routine can overwhelm them. Pet Calm Plus, with its blend of natural ingredients may reduce hyperactivity while promoting relaxation.
- Chamomile: Helps calm your dog’s nerves by activating specific spots in the brain that decrease anxiety and trigger relaxation.
- Theanine: An amino acid that boosts calming brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, acting as a natural upper for your anxious pup.
- Tryptophan: Another essential amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, which promotes happiness, and melatonin, which provides a feeling of well-being.
- Passionflower Extract: An all-natural source of amino acids that lower brain activity making it easier for your dog to relax and curbing destructive behavior.
- Thiamine (Vitamin B1): An essential vitamin that keeps the nervous system strong, boosting your dog’s resistance to stress.
- Ginger: This tasty spice is known to influence serotonin levels, promoting a happy-go-lucky feeling in your nervous pup.
- Melatonin: One of the most important hormones when it comes to mental health and relaxation; it’s used to ease hyperactivity, restlessness and other anxious behaviors.